Music Therapy: A Viable Means of Strengthening Senior Health

Music does not only soothe the soul. Aside from keeping us entertained, music does have positive effects to health — more so to senior health.
According to Katie Fitch from River City Music Therapy, music can be used in the elderly — helping those with depression and even one who survived a stroke by learning language skills once again.
There are other benefits of music to the elderly. These include the following: encouraging movement, preventing boredom, soothing nervousness, turning negative thoughts to positive, stirring positive memories, as well as fostering social interactions. Fitch reiterated how music can be used to aid seniors in being part of other treatments.
How do they conduct music therapy? Well, they have several ways. A music therapist creates a session that meets the needs of patients through various means. A therapist has to take note of the type of music together with the music intervention’s timing to become successful.
Fitch, for instance, sings and plays the guitar. Moreover, she also uses the drums, keyboard, and the ukulele. She tries to offer an interactive music experience. Follow-up sessions are derived from the patients’ reactions during the program.
Music therapy may be considered active — such as when a patient sings, composes, or plays instruments — or receptive — when they listen or dance to the music. Both techniques are valuable in assisting patients respond to challenges.
With all these, as home care services and other providers respond to their patients’ needs holistically, they can likewise consider turning to music therapy to provide the best care possible.
— Image Courtesy of Pixabay