The Secret to Longevity? Scientists Reveal the Real Deal

Thinking of living up to more than a hundred years? Curious on why some outlive others while some don’t? In a recent study, scientists investigated on why residents from Acciaroli, a small town in southern Italy live on as centenarians. According to Alan Maisel, a cardiologist from the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine, it is not about having no vices or exercising regularly. So, what could just be the key to living longer?
As the researchers observed and studied the residents, they found that two of the possible causes of longevity are great genes and good diet – one with a nice amount of olive oil, rosemary, and fish. Filled with Vitamin B, iron, calcium, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory components, rosemary just has the needed “longevity elements”. The same goes with olive oil and fish – both full of heart-friendly components – allowing perhaps Acciaroli townsfolk to outlive their neighbors from the other sides of the world.
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Got other hunches as to how people attain longevity? How about receiving tender loving care from health providers? Wouldn’t it be nice to gain optimum nourishment from trusted caregivers offering home care services? We think so! How about you?