What Do Centenarians Have In Common? Secrets Exposed!
Life does has its mysteries. But one thing holds true: there’s no stopping death. If it’s time, it will be. Many are asking, “What’s the...

Stem Cell Treatment for the Elderly: Beating Aging and Frailty
Aging, together with other conditions associated with it have long been dealt with by the elderly all over the world. Fatigue, loss of...

How to Live Your Senior Years to the Fullest
Ever heard of someone who just celebrated his 100th birthday recently? How did you feel upon knowing that he just made it to his...

Beyond Exercise: Elders Benefiting from Going to Gyms
Going to the gym may be one of the best ways to get the figure you’ve always wanted. It is also an effective means to be healthier,...

Wellderlies: Role Models We Can All Learn From
Want to live long and healthy? There may be a secret to do so. Imitate the “wellderlies”. This group of people are ages 90 to 100 and...

Effects of Poor Shoe Choice on the Elderly’s Health Unveiled through Study
Increasing in age comes with various changes in one’s body. One of these is the change in foot morphology. Not changing one’s shoe size...

Elderly Americans Ignored in Best Picture Films, Study Says
A new study has found that characters aged 60 and above get to be misrepresented or underrepresented in Hollywood films (most especially...

Avoiding Hospitalization: Tips for Seniors (Part 1)
There are tons of ways to prevent hospitalization in seniors. If you’re a care provider (offering home care services and others) and...

Afternoon Naps May Beef up Elderly Mental Health, Study Says
A one-hour nap after lunch may help the elderly gain clear thinking as well as preserve their memories and decide well, a study has...

Perks of Caring for Grandchildren for Seniors
Elderly who care for their grandchildren and other family members, friends, and loved ones tend to live longer than their counterparts, a...